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Snap Mukhada Artist / Movie Music By / Lyricist Picturized on / Genre
Prem Yeh Hai Prem
Milind Ingale, Shikha Preeti Jhingiani, Abbas
Yeh Hai Prem (Album) (0) Romantic Songs
Lyrics of Prem Yeh Hai Prem - आग से जले ना जल से बुझे ना

aag se jale naa jal se bujhe naa
hawa se ude naa tufaan se dare naa
dil aur jaan me jamin aasmaan me
naam hai jiska saare jahaan me
prem ye hai prem

prem hai puja prem hai shaktee
prem hai jyoti nayee anubhutee
prem hee sur hai prem hee bhaasha
prem jivan kee hai paribhaasha
prem ye hai prem

prem hai radha prem hai krishna
prem milan kee anbujh trishna
prem lagan hai prem tapasya
prem bina hai duniya me kya
prem ye hai prem prem karo prem